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e-Help Seminars - Richard Jones-Nerzic
e-Help Seminar 1
When are computers actually going to teach history?
Toulouse 17-19 February 2005
This brief seminar introduced e-Help and the first set of seminars at the original e-Help conference meeting in Toulouse. Central to the presentation was historical reflection on how limited the development of ICT in history teaching when compared to the innovative work that was done with very limited technological resources in the late 1980s by companies such as Tressell (the forerunner of Spartacus). By considering how sophisticated computer gaming and simulation programmes have become, the seminar considers the possibilities for history learning of the latest technology if commercial obstacles could be overcome.

Spartacus Learning Online MacGregor is History Historia Siglo 20 Historical Association International School History Sintermeertencollege InnovativeICT.net

This website is maintained by Richard Jones-Nerzic
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