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e-Help Seminars - Franck le Cars
e-help Seminar 27
Teaching history and second language acquisition.
Toulouse 8-10 June 2006


1. The French system of the “Sections Européennes”

• A new program
• The original ambitions
• A great success
• And new evolution
How can we explain such a success?

2. The teaching

• Language is used as a tool and not the main topic of the courses.
• I believe that there 3 steps in teaching History in a second language:
o Translation
o Transposition
o Transformation

3. The essential role of ITC and European project
• We are isolated
• We are limited
• We are curious
For students
• collaborative or autonomous work
• easy and flexible
• no stress with the second language
• exchange, production, distant researches and the building of collaborative work with a Wiki interface


Spartacus Learning Online MacGregor is History Historia Siglo 20 Historical Association International School History Sintermeertencollege InnovativeICT.net

This website is maintained by Richard Jones-Nerzic
Contact email